During the COVID-19 lockdown in 2020, Popshop Live experienced several noteworthy events that solidified its direction. The company hosted a 3-day virtual conference with over 100 stores going live simultaneously. Active daily users increased from 230 to 2.1K. Our top sellers became exclusive, which increased GMV from $30K to $100K.
Collect and apply all learnings from that period to develop features to further grow our audience.
Collect feedback from users and customer support.
Propose a roadmap of features to CEO along with steak-holders.
Live features
Customizable and Embeddable Player
Listing Variants (Size and Color)
3. Initiatives:
Marketing & Sales Tools:
Expand Category List
Influencer Marketing
Drop Shipping
Customization Brand Cohesion
Shopify Integration
Web3 (token-gating)