nMacFounder Xavier Millot wanted to simplify all these operations of is a no/low-code platform that allows engineers to create custom operations platforms for cloud-native infrastructure. It simplifies complex DevOps processes by offering tools for building, tracking, and managing infrastructure with minimal code, making it easier to streamline workflows, consolidate tooling, and reduce costs.
Build a system for a web-only dashboards that can bring infrastructure into one place so a team collaborate, monitor and program applications.
My Checklist:
Conferences attended and CEO brainstorming notes.
Key Learnings
Account creation + Integrating data from sources like Kubernetes, GitHub, and OpenTelemetry, into nMachine.
Data Transformation:
Once data is imported, add hooks functions or associate resources.
Open telemetry tools for metric, log queries and traces.
Building widget pages.
• “Platform” Engineer (admin)
Full account permissions
Key Focus:
• Viewer (user)
Limited account permissions
Key Focus:
Key Difference (experience):
Navigation will be challenging if we don’t outline the our architecture in an intuitive was for engineers that are used to navigating tools a certain way
Drew out every task and activity taking place in the app grouped them by qualities
Organized around the activities taking place
Key Learnings
ANT Charts
Ms Monaco